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The ADP is highly successful in building capacity for microdata documentation and dissemination in countries around the globe. Alone in East Africa Region, the National Statistics Offices of 18 countries and two regional research institutions have participated in the ADP and opened up their survey data for researchers to use. To sustain the good practices of data management in countries in cost effective manner, the ADP trains regional resources with a farther reach....
The Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) with the support of ADP/PARIS21 organized a two-day Microdata Outreach and Advocacy Workshop (MOW) on February 19-20, 2015 at Kebby’s Hotel in Dar es Salaam....
The ADP held a Microdata Management Toolkit training with the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) in Darussalam, Tanzania ( The workshop took place from December 3 - 6, 2013. The Ifakara Heath Institute is a leading research organization in Tanzania and is primarily involved in studies related to Malaria. Recently they have expanded their research portfolio to include HIV, maternal health and other areas. The IHI has a rich history of research and undertaken many studies with various research partners....
A Regional Training workshop was held in Tunis, Tunisia on June 10 – 12, 2013 in the context of the launching of the NADA 4.0 by the International Household Survey Network (IHSN). This workshop was jointly organized by PARIS21 with the World Bank and the African Development Bank.